Do you choose to live from a place of fear, or a place from love? Fear separates and divides us. We are all connected to everything in this universe. Separation is an illusion.
Love will guide us to higher levels of being and consciousness. When we act and make decisions from a place of love, that’s how we find our true path.
Currently our world is taken over by negativity and fear spread by the media and propaganda to push forward manipulative agendas. Where attention goes, energy flows and expands. Therefore, the negative polarities use fear to control our minds to control the world.
You can choose to not let the toxic news and media that is constantly shoved at us program your mind and poison your soul and who you really are.
We did not come to this earth to listen to and lose ourselves to be molded into what society and the media dictates. To feel that being ‘normal’ and accepted is only by following the trending narratives and identifying with rules and opinions that are filled with hypocrisy, indoctrination and lies.
The only truth is within yourself. What do you truly believe in? What makes you feel good? What makes your experience on the earth a blissful and peaceful happy one?
You are not a label. When you label yourself as a certain group or ideology, you limit yourself. What is really your truth? You are not the rules that others have created, just to fit into a community or to find an identity.
Remember, you are not obligated to follow the news, false ideologies and toxic content that is fed to us to divide and weaken us, to remove us from our truth and who we really are.
Fear separates us. Fear makes us forget who we are, and therefore we look to others for the answer to feel safe. Others will use our fear and vulnerability to control us. Fear is an unconscious choice.
Let love guide you in navigating the world.
The only answer is within ourselves.