You Are The Word

In The Beginning, was The Word.
And The Word was with God,
And The Word *is* God.

The Word is Love.
The Word is Light.
The Word is Truth.
The Word is Creation.
The Word is Vibration.

The Word is ONE.
The Word is Infinity.

The Word is Pure Magic.

You Are The Word.
We Are The Word.
We Are Vibration.

We Are Infinite Frequency.
We Are Infinite Information.
We Are Infinite Consciousness.
We Are ONE.

When You Think, The Word is Thinking Through You.
When We Speak, The Word is Speaking Through Us.

Establish a Daily Meditation Practice;
Listen For Silence.
Silence Speaks.

When You Speak The Word With Love and Presence,
You Speak The Truth Into Form As Vibration
You Are The Vibration You Speak!

You Are The Logos.
When You Teach Yourself With Your Word,
You Reprogram Your Mind, And Thus, Our Reality.

We Are The Logos.
We Reprogram The Logos With Our Conversations,
With Our Prayers, Our Philosophy, Our Thoughts
This is What is Known As Our Consensus Reality
The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Within Us.

We Are A Living Narrative.
Speak To The Infinite Intelligence in The Creation;
Speak With Love, And Creation Plays Along!

Ask Yourself...
What is The Frequency of Now?
What is The Frequency of Love?
What is The Frequency of You?

The Eternal Now is Coming Through At An Infinite Frequency.
The Word is Coming Through At An Infinite Frequency.
Love is Coming Through At An Infinite Frequency.

You Are Coming Through At An Infinite Frequency.
You Are The Word. We Are The Word.

Abide in The Faith of Your Word;
Speak The Truth of Your Being,
And You Become The Living Word.

When You Tune Into Your Love,
The Whole World Does Too.

We Are One, Infinite-Dimensional Self.
We Are Intelligent Infinity.

Tune Into Our Infinite Frequency.
Tune Into Our Infinite Presence.
Tune Into You. Tune Into Love.
Tune Into One Another.

We Are Co-Creators of Our Reality.
The Word is Our Superpower.
We Are ONE. We Are Infinity.

The Word is Love.
Love is Our Superpower.

Speak Love Into Creation, And Creation Plays Along.

For All of The Creation is Love,
And All of The Creation is The Word.

Become Pneuma
One Breath, One Word
One Spark, Sun Becoming

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